How to make your home more desirable 

How to make your home more desirable 

Ask yourself who will be buying my house? How will they want to use the space? What kind of decor will appeal to them?  Complete minor repair work, for example marked walls, leaky taps, holes in walls If you have a door bell that is broken, fix it. Although this...
Benefits of downsizing your home 

Benefits of downsizing your home 

When your children grow up and move out, you may feel the home you have lived in may be too big or could be too much of a financial burden on you now life has changed. We have put together some benefits of downsizing your home in the hope yo provide you with some...
Jargon-busting guide

Jargon-busting guide

Estate agents and conveyancers tend to use legal jargon which can cause confusion.  We have put together a jargon busting guide to assist with the legal terms you may come across when buying and selling properties Appraisal – the same as a valuation, an...
Preparing for a mortgage application 

Preparing for a mortgage application 

Applying for a mortgage can be exciting but also very daunting for some people, not knowing where to start or how to begin to proceed. We have put together a small checklist to provide you with some advice on how to begin applying for your mortgage. Get your paperwork...
What to look for when viewing a property

What to look for when viewing a property

We’ve put together a checklist for what to look for when you are viewing a property. On average, you may get 20 minutes looking around the property you are viewing so here are our top tips; Room size – Is the size of the property suited for your needs Damp – Is there...