When your children grow up and move out, you may feel the home you have lived in may be too big or could be too much of a financial burden on you now life has changed.

We have put together some benefits of downsizing your home in the hope yo provide you with some advice if you are unsure on whether this would be a good option for you.

  • Financial gain including giving you a more spontaneous life style. You may be able to free up some money to invest or use on going things you love 
  • Reduced maintenance 
  • Lower running costs
  • Fewer responsibility’s e.g., cleaning gutters, upkeep of a garden
  • If you decide to move to a senior home, you could make new friendships, possibly have more amenities close by for example restaurants and shops on site

This information is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.