Moving house checklist

Moving house checklist

Approximately a month before you move If you wish to use a removal company, arrange estimates and book your chosen firm – is you need assistance with this, please contact us and we can pass you some recommendations You may need boxes to pack your belongings into...
How to choose a conveyancing solicitor

How to choose a conveyancing solicitor

Think about the conveyancing service you are purchasing. Who will handle your sale and what are their qualifications. Will it be easy to contact them? Do they have good online customer reviews?  Shop around – get some quotes before you instruct your...
How to make your home more desirable 

How to make your home more desirable 

Ask yourself who will be buying my house? How will they want to use the space? What kind of decor will appeal to them?  Complete minor repair work, for example marked walls, leaky taps, holes in walls If you have a door bell that is broken, fix it. Although this...