There are many factors that could possibly de value your home. As a home owner you can consider whether you can change anything to prevent any decrease.

While some factors are out of your hands and therefore you cannot change them, there are some factors you may be able to sort to give you the chance of receiving the best possible price.

Whichever path you choose, it’s crucial to be aware of how you’re affecting your home’s bottom line and to understand what can be done to raise it back up.

We have set our 10 examples below of things that would potentially de value your home.

  1. Noisy neighbours
  2. Damp/Mould
  3. Pet smells
  4. Signs of pest infestation 
  5. Japanese knotweed
  6. A bathroom with no bath
  7. Old electrical work
  8. Messy garden
  9. Bad phone signal
  10. Low pressure showers 

This information is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.