• Think about the conveyancing service you are purchasing. Who will handle your sale and what are their qualifications. Will it be easy to contact them? Do they have good online customer reviews? 
  • Shop around – get some quotes before you instruct your conveyancer 
  • Cheapest doesn’t always mean best value. Again, this refers back to check online reviews. If you are quoted hundreds of pounds less from a company but their review are bad, this could cause you extra stress and delays with your property sale if you are not provided with good service
  • You do not have to use a local conveyancing solicitor. Times are moving forward and there are many online conveyancing firms which provide competitive pricing, email updates throughout the process, telephone calls to discuss ongoing matters and excellent online reviews. 
  • If you would like us to provide you with the details of the conveyancers we recommend, please get in touch

This information is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.