• Ask yourself who will be buying my house?
  • How will they want to use the space?
  • What kind of decor will appeal to them? 
  • Complete minor repair work, for example marked walls, leaky taps, holes in walls
  • If you have a door bell that is broken, fix it. Although this is a very small detail, a broken doorbell can give a bad first impression. 
  • Clean your property before a viewing takes place, remove grime from the oven, lime scale from taps and dust from surfaces
  • Spray some air freshener or open some windows. Potent smells can be off putting to buyers 
  • Usually a neutral decor appeals to most buyers 
  • Remove cutter
  • Stage your home to make it look more welcoming. For example, a throw on the bed, some fresh flowers, plump up cushions and pillows, hide wires and cables
  • Tidy up outdoor space, mow your grass, jet wash the patio, remove weeds

This information is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.