Approximately a month before you move

  • If you wish to use a removal company, arrange estimates and book your chosen firm – is you need assistance with this, please contact us and we can pass you some recommendations
  • You may need boxes to pack your belongings into so begin to order or collect these
  • Hopefully you will have measured your space so you know where your furniture will go. Anything that you are not taking with you dispose of
  • Begin to declutter and dispose of anything you don’t need

Approximately Two weeks before you move 

  • Inform electricity, gas, phone and broadband suppliers that you’re moving
  • If you want to arrange a mail redirection service put this in place
  • Begin packing non-essentials – start outside or on the top floor and work your way down
  • Begin running down the freezer
  • Organise who will look after your pets and/or children during the move

Approximately one week before you move 

  • Inform your GP surgery and register with a new one if moving area.
  • Tell your council and ask for a council tax statement

The day before moving 

  • Defrost your freezer if you are taking it with you. If you are leaving it you may not need to do this. 
  • Box up separately, items you will need immediately when moving in. For example, toilet roll, soap, tea bags, mugs, bin bags, phone charger
  • Pack your valuables and personal documents separately where you have access to them
  • Contact the TV licence to inform them you are moving 
  • Contact the utility companies and inform them you are moving and give them your meter readings 
  • Get your landline number redirected if you are keeping the same number 
  • Contact all companies you hold accounts with to inform them of your change of address, for example your bank, investments, credit cards, policies
  • A handy tip is to label boxes with the name of the room they need to go in, in your new home
  • Leave all of your key in once place for your old property so the buyers can access them when they move in. 
  • If you are planning on changing the locks to your new property, arrange for a locksmith to meet you there on moving day. Tip – We recommend you arrange the time for later in the afternoon as completion can take place any time between 9am and 5pm
  • Arrange with the estate agents how the buyer will access the keys on completion

Moving day

  • Most people want to clean their new property before moving in. Allow a few hours and hopefully gather some helping hands to assist with this. 
  • Unpack room by room, starting with the kitchen
  • Check utilities are running smoothly and take meter readings. Usually, the sellers would have already passed these on but we recommend you contact the new companies with your own readings in case there is a difference. Tip – Take photos so you have evidence 
  • Update your address on the electoral register

This checklist is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.