We’ve put together a checklist for what to look for when you are viewing a property. On average, you may get 20 minutes looking around the property you are viewing so here are our top tips;

  • Room size – Is the size of the property suited for your needs
  • Damp – Is there any damp in the property, signs can be peeling damp wallpaper or mould on walls
  • Structure – Is the building structurally sound? If there are any big cracks these can be concerning. Hairline cracks can be normal and your home buyers survey will flag any issues up. 
  • Windows – Do they look like they have been replaced recently, are they older and will they need replacing soon incurring an extra expense
  • The area – Do you like the area the property is in
  • Plumbing – Do the taps work, how old is the boiler, will it need replacing. A new boiler usually costs thousands of pounds and if it has not been looked after or needs replacing, you can ask your agent this to give you can idea of any extra expense this may incur.
  • Electrical – When were the properties electrics last tested? Does it look like the property could need rewiring.  Are there enough power points for you and what condition are they in? Re-wiring or adding extra sockets can be very expensive so check this out in your viewing.
  • Mobile signal – Does your mobile get signal in the property. If you are tied into a phone contract this could cause you an issue if you need to use your phone
  • Roof – Does it look like the roof is in good repair or will it need replacing shortly. The life expectancy of a roof is approximately 15-20 depending on materials. It can be expensive to replace so it is worth taking note of the condition. Also are there any flag roofs or nearly flat as the older the roof, the older the materials were used to seal this. Newer roofs are usually sealed with a membrane, older ones are usually sealed with asphalt and gravel, which can leave seams and edges unsealed.
  • What’s included – Are the white goods, light fittings, curtain poles included
  • Bills – what is the council tax rating, how much will it cost to run a property of this size
  • Floors – Are the floors level, will there need to be any repair work you were not expecting
  • Noise – Is there a pub close by which could cause noise later in the evening Are you next to a motorway
  • Potential – Does the property have the potential to extend. Could you
  • Energy efficiency – Making a property more energy efficient can reduce your monthly costs for example, heating bills. Double glazing and a newer boiler can assist with this
  • Loft – Is there a loft and if so, is it boarded? Storage space is very valuable and is often overlooked when viewing properties. It could be an extra few thousand pounds to have the loft boarded so it’s best to check so you can factor the costs in if you need extra storage. 
  • Facing – Which way does the property face? You may even wish to take a compass with you (or use your phone) is it important to you that you get sun for most of the day (south facing) would you prefer sun in the mornings or later in the evenings? 
  • Yourself – can you see yourself living in the property, does it feel right? Are you prepared to put in the work to make this house your home?

Other things to consider depending on your lifestyle;

  • how close is the nearest shop
  • Is there easy access to public transport
  • Where are the nearest schools
  • Is there a dump close which could be smelt
  • Are you in a conservation area

This information is an opinion of the staff as DSB Estate Agents, using our opinions to try and help assist you and give advice on moving home/selling a property. This is not legal advice nor fact and you must do your own research or take legal advice when following our guidance.